Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 5: Romans 1:1

Day 5: Romans 1:1
April 11, 2014, Friday, 1021 a.m.

Paul is one of the biblical greats. Most people, Christian or not, know the name. He is the man who started the Church as we know it today. He was the one who went on three major missionary journeys. Think of a good Christian and you would think of Paul. He told about Jesus Christ boldly.
However, was he perfect? Umm... No. Hardly. He was the one who was named Saul and he persecuted Christians. Lots of them. He was even there when Stephen was stoned to death. He was a Pharisee and later, when he became a follower of Jesus Christ, he was the one who spoke about how he had a thorn in his flesh which tempted him to wrongdoing.
Do you want to learn more about Paul? Look here:
Paul wrote several books, including epistles, in the New Testament of the Bible.

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