Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Even though a blog is in essense a journal, there are somethings that I personally don't want to put out there on the internet that I know can haunt me for the rest of my life because the internet makes things permanent. My journal is one of those facets. I might share stuff with you, but trust me... My deepest parts are only meant to be shared with my best friend, my close friends, and my journal.


I know a couple people in my life who have problems with their memory. Therefore, I've learned through them how critical it is to put stuff down on paper (or in a computer file) in order to make it a lasting legacy. I don't want to lose my memories. I want them to be carried into other generations. I want my hard life lessons learned to be something they can learn from vicariously and hopefully save the anguish I've had to go through in my life.

I also journal in order to vent. Sometimes, we need just to get it out and I call this cathartic practice, Throwing Up on Paper. (Please forgive the reference, but it makes a strong point.) After all, there are times once I empty my stomach, I feel a billion times better and probably better than I had in a long time. It's the same with journalkeeping. Sometimes, I just have to get it all out of my system and throw several temper-tantrums with my pen, but them I am far better on the other end. Also, I tend to be less emotional drive those closet to me a little less nuts.

I write my thoughts down on new book ideas, how to break through with old book ideas, and write storyline in my journal.

Some call it a gratitude journal. For me, it's where I count my blessings instead of sheep, as the song goes from "White Christmas".

That's something I'm about to start since I'm going to do a great deal more traveling in my life. Plus, it will document memories and my thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Do You Journal?
One thing I know for sure is my life would be DRASTICALLY different if not for my journaling through the years. I would not be the woman I am, the wife I am, or the writer I am if not for my journals.

So, tell me. Do you journal? Do you want to start? Do you want instruction with journaling? Let me know.

Have a blessed day.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Prayer and Support

I hope that this blog can also be a way to help people connect and pray for one another and to support one another. Do you have any prayer requests? Let me know.


What motivates you? What keeps you plugging along when times are difficult? What keeps you after your dream?

Let me know your thoughts on the subject.

For me, my faith and patriotism are what make me passionate about life. They help motivate me in difficult times and are what bring me joy when I'm going through a happier time. If it was not for my faith, I definitely would not be the woman I am, doing what I am, or writing what I do.

What keeps me after my dream? My faith and my husband's prodding when I need it.

What keeps me editing when my eyes go blurry? Lots of breaks so I don't miss anything.


Does anyone want to form an online writing group? Let me know. I would love to start one of our own where it's all led by one another. What do you think?