Thursday, December 27, 2012

How to Do a Mind Map in List Form

Do you know how to do a mind map--or what that is? Check out this link if you have no idea what I am talking about or how to do it: 

This blog post is on how to do the lazy person's version. It's the mind map simplified  you might say. 

It's like doing a SOC (Stream of Consciousness) Journaling, or Free Association,  but it's in list form. 

* Figure out a word you want to focus on and journal more about at this time. It can be anything really. 
* Write the word at the top of a page in your journal. 
* Then, write any word or short phrase that comes to mind after that word. 
* Keep writing words or short phrases as they come to mind, as long as it applies to the original word.
* When you get stuck and cannot figure out what else to write, re-read your original word.
* Do this for ten minutes or more. 
* Then, pick another word from this original list and do a Mind Map List of it.
* Make sure to journal about each of the words you used in this list. There is a reason why they came to mind and why they came to mind when they did. 

Old year
New Year is 2013
Tough year was 2012
Lots of news
Summer Olympics
Aurora Movie Theater Shooting
Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting
Andy Griffith died
Kate Middleton is pregnant
Whitney Houston died--shocker, but not
12 months
2 visits
Busy year
Recommitted to journaling
Hurricane Sandy
TV Shows Revenge, Grimm, Once Upon a Time
Neil Armstrong died
Felix Baumgartner and his jump (
Kindle Fire HD 4G
Samsung iii
Tim Tebow
Payton Manning
Denver Broncos
Storykeeper 2121 blog
Family Tree

You get the idea. That's how to do a mind map list. 

Priorities and 2012 and 2013: A journaling exercise or prompt

* List the priorities in your life for the year 2012. 
* Put them in priority order. Number them.
* Go through each item and review and analyze how you lived up to keeping it  it your life. What did you do well in keeping it a priority--and in its rightful order? What did you not do so well?
* What would you want to improve next year? What will you want to repeat next year? What do you want to change for next year? 
* What are your priorities for 2013--in numerical and priority order? 
* Why is each item your priority? 

~ Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper, Writer, & Author

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Letter from your journal about 2012 journaling exercise and prompt

If your journal could write you a letter, what would it say to you about your 2012?

-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author

How to get the most out of your journaling

Do you want to know the secret about how to get the most out of your journaling?

The answer is simple: Journal every single day.

Journal as often as you can throughout the day.

-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author

One of a kind journal and journaling

Do you know what I love about journaling? Well, besides everything, this is what I love:

Each journal is one of a kind.

Every journal entry is unique.

-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author

Write a letter to your journal journaling exercise or prompt and 2013 preparation

Before 2012 ends, take some time to do this journaling exercise or prompt in preparation for 2013.

Write a letter to your journal and tell it what you expect of it for the year 2013. Be very specific and thorough.

-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author

2012 Journaling: A journaling exercise or prompt

Think of your journaling in 2012.

* What do you think of your journaling overall in 2012?
* What does your journal mean to you?
* Describe your 2012 journaling.
* What did you like most about your journal in 2012?
* Did you journal enough in 2012?
* What do you want to do more of in your journaling in 2012?
* Who, besides you, did you journal most about in 2012?
* Where did you journal in 2012?
* When do you journal the most?

-- Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Author