Saturday, November 12, 2011


So, how busy are you?

156 QTP: How busy are you?

157 Do you define yourself (your life) as busy, moderately busy, or not so busy? 

158 QTP: How much free time do you have each week?

159 How much free time do you have per day?:

160 QTP: When was the last time you took a Sabbath day where you did not work and were not busy, but relaxed and spent time with God?

161 QTP: How many activities do you do that are God-centered? For instance, you have to have a job in order to have food and shelter. But, is do you work for the Lord or for man? Do you pray without ceasing while you work? If you work for man and use it as prayer time, as you are able, then that is a God-centered activity. List your God-centered activities.

162 What activities can you now make God-centered activities?

163 What activities do you need to get rid of in your life?

164 What can you do in your life to get rid of activities that aren't God-centered and how can you make certain activities God-centered? List three ways:

165 What has God said to you today?

166 What has you said to God today?

A fast life and a fast faith

We live in a world where everything is: go, go go! and Busy, busy, busy.

We want to know all of the shortcuts. We have to save time and money, after all.

We want it all.

We want to do it all. 

We even live with the perception that we are happier and more fulfilled by the more we have and the more we do. But, are we? Or are we just so accustomed to living in this manner we cannot imagine a life outside of that where we are fulfilled constantly and have a peace and joy that carries us through every storm? 

We are tired because we want it all and we try to do it all. We are burned out. We don't have time for the things that really matter. We are just going through the motions. Maybe it's because we think people will look down on us if we do not. 

It's bad enough that we look for shortcuts through life because we know we need a break somewhere. We also look for something which will get us there fast, wherever 'there' is. 

145 QTP: However, what happens in our faith when he live in this manner? 

146 QTP: How do you live in this manner?

147 QTP: How do you try to shortcut your faith? 148 What happens when you do?

149 Does your life reflect a busyness which has stunted your faith? 

150 Are you able to focus on what really matters and what really is important? Or, does busyness prevent this from happening? 

151 List three things you can get rid of in your life today to free your schedule and give you more time:

152 List three ways you can stop short-cutting your faith:

153 Write your thoughts on this blog post today.

154 What did God say to you today?

155 What did you say to God?  

Giving God Time

Part of growing more loyal in your faith means giving more time to the Lord and his Word.

The more time you give to God, the more of a loyal faith you will have.

But, the first question we need to ask is:

143 QTP: How much time do you give to him every day and week?

This question is asked not to make you feel guilty or proud. Rather, it is asked because we need a baseline.

144 QTP: So, how much time do you spend with God each day?

Take that amount of time for the next five days. Make sure you do that as a minimum each day.

If you have not spent time each day, start with 15 minutes each day. Again, do this for 5 days.

Then, the next week, add another 15 minutes.

Add 15 more minutes every week until are able to spend at least two hours a day with the Lord and in his Word.

~ Stacy Duplease

Friday, November 11, 2011

Your Daily Bible Study Template for A LOYAL FAITH

Your Daily Bible Study Template for a loyal faith
(aka A Daily Review)

INSTRUCTIONS: This template is what you will fill out each day after you read the blog posts for today and after your write your answers in your journal workbook. Write your answers to this template in your journal workbook.

~ 1 What three points have you learned today?
~ 2 How will you apply one of those to your life this week?
~ 3 What has God said to you today?
~ 4 What have you said to God?
~ 5 What are three memories you've made today?
~ 6 How have you seen God at work in your life, through your life, and around your life today or yesterday?

Monday, November 7, 2011


Note: You might feel that I ask the same questions from time to time. At first glance, that is true. However, when I ask a question in different ways, it is to bring more out and get you to look at things differently. So, please, do not skip the question. Answer it agian--even if it is the same answer. Ideally, you would mix it up a bit, though, if you are able. 

85 Are you practicing a good-enough, complacent faith? Where you do just enough to get by?
86 Or do you have a life-transforming, on fire, God-prioritized faith--where even your planner/to do list/schedule agrees? 
87 How do you live a good-enough, complacent faith at times?
88 Have you done it lately? 89 If so, when? 
89 How are you living a good-enough faith now?
90 How is your faith on fire today?
91 List three things you can do today, tomorrow, and for the next months, to live an active and loyal faith.

Evaluating your faith

QTP: Questions to Ponder:
Please write your responses in your journal workbook:

83 How would you define your faith?
a not very good
b complacent (neutral)
c so-so (up and down) 
d more active than not
e active, strong and loyal

84 Explain your answer to question #83. 

Analyze your daily planner and schedule: Set a plan into motion

Write your responses in your journal workbook:
66 Do you keep a planner or daily task or to do list? 67 Why or why not?
68 If you do not, please take a few minutes and write a list of everything you did the last 7 days. Write at least 4 items per day.
68 If you do, look at your planner the last 7 days. Make a quick list of the items found there. Write at least 4 items per day.
69 What did you do the most? How much time did you spend doing it?
70 List the next 3 things you did the most and how much time you spent doing each:
71 How many of those items were spent for God? 72 How were they time for him?
73 How many were not spent for God?
74 Does your schedule, outside sleep and work, reveal God and the Word as your priority?
75 How can you put more faithful activities on your planner?
76 How did you include God and faithful activities into work? Tip: You can pray and learn to do so without ceasing, as an example.
77 How can you include your faith during family time?
78 Write into you planner three items each day that include God while you do activities you must do for the next month.
79 Write into your planner at least three items each day for the next month that are between you and God and you do not share with anyone or anything else (as far as the time).
~ Stacy Duplease

A loyal faith definition

QTP: Questions to Ponder
57 How do you define a loyal faith?
58 How do you define loyal?
59 How do you define faith?
60 How is your faith?
61 How is your loyalty to the Lord and his Word?
62 Do you have a loyal faith today? 63 Why did you answer in that manner? 64 Can you grow to have a more loyal faith in God and in his Word?
65 If you say you can grow a more loyal faith, how can you do so today? List three ways you can apply this to your life today (how you will try to develop a more loyal faith).
~ Stacy Duplease

Round 2 of the spiritual inventory: The evaluation

Yesterday, we worked on a spiritual inventory. Today, we will assess or evaluate our responses to the inventory. We will look at our answers we put in our journal workbooks, along with our inward responses to them. 

~*~*~ Grab your journal workbooks. Mark your responses to the spiritual inventory and mark where you will respond to these questions. Then, read back over your inventory responses. Finally, respond to the questions below in your journal workbook.

48 What was your overall impression of the inventory?
49 How did you feel after you finished it?
50 What did you think after you finished it?
51 List seven things you mentioned you wished you could change, add to your life, and apply to your life?
52 Of the 7 you listed in 51, which are your top 3 you would like to apply to your life and why?
53 What did God say to you?
54 What did you say to God?
55 Summary
56 Prayer: 

~*~*~ Make sure to do the spiritual inventory and evaluation every month, quarter, 6-months, and year. Do a review of previous inventories. When it gets to be that time in this blog, I will show you what I mean.

Stacy Duplease

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Questions to Ponder: QTP: Spiritual inventory ~*~*~

Let us take some time to evaluate where we are in our walk with the Lord and with the Word--and where we stand.

~*~*~ Please answer all of these questions in your journal workbook.
As of this point, I will start to number consecutively the questions we will answer in our journal workbook. So, I will not start every question with a number 1. I will start with the next consecutive number. Does this make sense?
Also, in a line, there can be multiple questions. They will be numbered, by the way. The reason is because the questions go together. 
1 How close to the Lord do I feel right now? 2 How close am I?
3 How much time have I spent in reading the Word this last month?
4 How much time have I spent in the Word this week?
5 What from my time with the Word have I applied to my life? 6 How has it changed me? 
7 How close do I want to be with the Lord?
8 How much do I want to be in the Word every day? 9 Every week? 10 Every month?
11 How much time have I spent in prayer this week? 12 This month?
13 How much time do I want to be in prayer each day? 14 Week? 15 Month? 
16 How well do I know the Lord?
17 How well do I want to know the Lord?  
18 How much time do I think about the Lord and his Word every day? 19 Week? 20 Month?
21 How much time do I want to think about the Lord and His Word every day?
22 How would I define a loyal faith?
23 Do I have a loyal faith today? 24 How can it improve? 25 What is working well for me in this regard?
26 How much Bible study have I done today? 27 This week? 28 This month? 
29 How much time do I want to spend each month in Bible study?
30 Am I walking according to the Word? 31 How? 32 How am I not?
31 Is God the number priority in my life? 32 How does my daily schedule reflect this? 33 My weekly schedule? 34 My monthly schedule?
35 What has God said to me today? 36 This week? 37 This month?
38 How have I responded to what God has said to me today? 39 This week? 40 This month?
41 Extra thoughts. Write down anything that comes to mind.
42 When I look at this inventory again in a week, what will I want to have changed? 
42 When I look at this inventory again in 2 weeks, what will I want to have changed? 
43 When I look at this inventory again in a month, what will I want to have changed? 
44 When I look at this inventory again in a week, what will I want to have repeated? 
45 When I look at this inventory again in 2 weeks, what will I want to have repeated? 
46 When I look at this inventory again in a month, what will I want to have repeated? 
47 My prayer now:

Bible and Scriptural references & ~*~*~

In this blog, which is a Bible study notebook, I will mention Bible study references, for instance, Hebrews 11:1.

Most of the time, I will refer to them and ask for you to look up the verse on your own. 

Please do so.

~*~*~ Let's face it, if the reference is there, we will not do it on our own. We tend to get lazy that way. (Me included!) However, I will help us out by not putting the verse in the blog post so that we can look it up for ourselves, and preferably in at least three bible translations (if you have the time or want to make the time).

~*~*~ Write the reference in your journal workbook (I will call it by both these names for whichever is more palatable to you. Sometimes one of the names can bring a negative connotation and I do not want to bring that to you by any means). 

Let me stop for a moment.

Let us stop and take a look at this design and what it means: 


It is a sign to you for something to do and put in your journal workbook. ~*~*~ stands for ACTION STEP.

~*~*~ After you write the scripture reference (verse or passage) in your journal workbook, make sure to write your immediate thoughts on the verse or passage. 

~*~*~ Then, read whatever the blog post says about that verse or passage and then write your thoughts about that reference again.

~*~*~ Finally, write in your journal notebook how you plan on applying that verse to your life. 

Does this make sense?

Stacy Duplease
Inspirational Historical Romance Author & Bible Study Writer
A timeless kind of love... and a loyal faith...
Find my books at/store: 
My historical fiction blog & latest book information: All of my blogs
My writing fiction & NaNoWriMo blog: All of my blogs

journaling with google docs

~ 1 Sign up for a gmail account--whether you use it for gmail or not. You do so at:

~ 2 Go to: and sign in with your gmail information (user name and password). 

~ 3 Create a new document.

~ 4 Start your journal/workbook for this blog and Bible study.

~ 5 Answer every question ever listed on the blog. Write at least an one-sentence answer.

~ 6 You are finished. It's really that easy. 

Your document will be saved on the internet, with unlimited storage capacity, for free. (Yay!) 

If you have any questions, send me an email at: or attach a comment at the end of any blog post on this blog and I will help you out in any way I can. 

Good luck and happy journaling--so you can have a loyal faith.

Stacy Duplease
Inspirational Historical Romance Author & Bible Study Writer
A timeless kind of love... and a loyal faith...
Find my books at/store: 
My historical fiction blog & latest book information: All of my blogs
My writing fiction & NaNoWriMo blog: All of my blogs
Journaling Chronicle: All of my blogs
My faithful his fiction blog: a loyal faith

format of your journal: keep it digital

How should you format your journal? Or, how should you keep your journal?

I highly recommend making the switch form pen and paper to keeping it on the internet (i.e. email, Google Docs, Cloud, etc.). In other words, keep a digital email.

Now, for those of you who just cringed or said, "No way," please keep reading. 
For those of you who like that idea, you can keep reading or jump ahead to the section of: KEEPING YOUR JOURNAL ON THE INTERNET.

You may ask that question after I encouraged you to keep a digital journal or one on the internet. You may be extremely opposed to any such venture, as a matter of fact. However, let me tell you why you should.

If you have never done a Bible study workbook, and/or have never journaled, this might seem foreign to you regarding the answer I am about to give you. Hang with me, though.

Why should you keep a digital journal? The simple answer is 4-fold: 
~ It saves money.
~ It saves space.
~ It is permanent. 
~ You can carry it with you at all times--24/7/365. 

It saves money to save your journals online (on the internet). After all, you do not have to buy  paper (i.e. blank journals or looseleaf), pens, and storage.

This is where for those of you who have never written down prayers, done journaling, and have never done a Bible study where you have a workbook need to trust me.

In time, this blog will help you to move from never keeping a journal to keeping a sentence to keeping a paragraph to keeping a page to keeping 2 pages or more daily. (Trust me. you will. It is a progression which we will help you move through without even realizing it. So, you still start off simple, in small chunks, and with minimal time to maximal time and having a loyal faith in God and in his Word.

If you keep a journal of paper and pen, it costs money. It means making sure you always have an extra journal around in case you run out of room if you don't. It means you would have to carry all of them with you at all times when you go back and evaluate, re-evaluate, and review. That gets heavy.

Also, journals start to pile up and that requires space. Imagine keeping ten years worth of journals or more. Those take even more space.

Ideally, this blog will help you want to develop, and keep, a loyal faith and that means a lifelong commitment. Part of a loyal faith is thinking things through, planning, evaluating, keeping track, re-evaluating, reviewing, and so on. This all requires space and money.

If you are 90 years old, I understand not caring about that. However, if you are less than 90, you might really think about this.

I've journaled for 26 years and have hundreds of paper and pen journals. They take up a great deal of space, needless to say. And, what is the reality I will get all fo them digitized and put on the computer? I hope to, but will I ever get all of the typed up? It is doubtful. Do you want to deal with that? Let me answer for you. I don't think so.

Trust me.

If you save your journals onto your computer, they, too, will eat storage in your computer. If you save them on USB memory sticks or other storage devices, they take up memory as well. That costs money and you can still loose your journals. Hence, I recommend saving everything over the internet. Email is one option I highly recommend. The way I most recommend is through Google Documents.

Memory storage/space is UNLIMITED. Also, you can get to your journals from any computer or cell phone with internet capability.

So, how do you do this?

I will do a future blog post on JOURNALING WITH GOOGLE DOCS. (It will be sometime in the next couple of days.)

For now, send yourself email of your journal entries, if you are not familiar with Google Docs.

Why do I recommend Google Docs?:
~ Unlimited Storage Space
~ You can email the file to yourself as well.
~ You can get to it from any computer or cell phone with internet capability.
~ It is FREE. No charge.
~ It's easy. 
~ It has an excellent search feature for when you try to look up journal entries at a later date. 

If you have the paper and pen variety, a problem arises. I know this firsthand and get emotional just thinking about it.

Hurricanes and fires happen.

I am a Colorado native. Hurricanes were never a problem for me. Then, a few months ago, my husband and I moved to Virginia. We had a mandatory evacuation for Hurricane Irene in late August 2011. Do you see the problem? We have a mid-sized SUV--a beagle, an orange tabby, and two aquatic turtles. We have photographs (2 plastic containers worth). We needed clothes and food.

Do you see the problem?

I have three extra large plastic containers (i.e. Rubbermaid/ Sterilite about four feet by three feet in size each) of journals--packed to the brim. We did NOT have enough room in the car to bring them with us. That meant leaving them behind. (Yikes.)

Paper and pen journals are not permanent.

Also, when we moved here, the movers lost one extra large plastic container of them. They never found them.

I've also had well-meaning movers mix up loose-leaf pages when moving--over 5,000 pages of them. That also happened with this move.

Also, water spills. I've spilled glasses of water on my journals--when I've been on the last pages of my paper and pen journals. (Urgh!)

So, trust me.

You do NOT want to lose them (or have them put out of order) or have them destroyed. There is a lot of loss and grief which happens if you ever lose them. Consequently, make your journals permanent--where fire, hurricane, and movers cannot destroy them. They are too precious and valuable.

Your journals are permanent if you keep them online, over the internet, and in any one of the ways mentioned below.

Over time, paper and pen journals turn yellow and the ink fades. Some of mine have. Therefore, keep a digital journal and one over the internet. It never fades or yellows. 

It is absolutely necessary to keep a journal with you at all times. After all, if God tells you something, you want to remember it--not just for the short-term, but for the long-term as well. The problem with carrying a paper and pen journal means you have to carry them with you. Then, when you get to the point that you are almost done with one journal, you will need to have the second one with you as well so you don't have to stop journaling because you run out of space. This means it can get bulky.

It is highly valuable in your life of developing and keeping a loyal faith to review and re-evaluate your experiences and journey.

Also, as you go, you may want to find something you wrote in the past for whatever reason. 

See the section above which says "IT SAVES SHELF SPACE."