Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jamestown: My Personal Journal Entry Part 2

Written: 2013-01-22 12:14 p.m.

Jamestown Settlement is okay. It's a replica of what Jamestown might have looked at in the day. I do like it there. But, my heart is at Historic Jamestown. It's the actual archaeological dig site of the old Jamestown fort--and was precisely where my ancestors tread. Hence, it is a very special place to me.

Whenever I go there, I cannot help but think each time, "Whose steps from back then, did I just step on? What was their life like? What were they doing, thinking, feeling, when they stepped here?"  

I also cannot help but wish I had their journals.

My husband and I try to go there at least once a month. However, with the holidays and all, It's been about eight weeks since we were there last. Sigh. (Hate that.) 

Therefore, when I stepped out of the car, and showed our National Parks pass, and walked toward the old fort, I felt the weight of the world drop off my shoulders. 

Huh. I never knew I had any weight on my shoulders. I have not been stressed or anything. But, then again  I do life. Life has its own stressors day to day. Whether they get to us or not, they still happen and still leave their mark. Thus, I was glad to return home. I was more than glad. I felt totally peaceful.With each step I took, I felt more and more lively--and I am usually a bubbly person. 

Yes. Jamestown is home. It's where my heart is the most whole. (I shudder every time I think of leaving. With what my husband does for his career, we could move any time from now to a year and a half from now. We never know. But, Virginia is not our retirement home. We will visit often, but we will not end up here.)

We love to see what new things they have uncovered at the archaeological dig site every time we go. We are able to ask questions of the volunteer or archaeologist who is by the dig and find out the latest. 

Yesterday, we could not believe how much they got done since we were last there--just after Thanksgiving. They are working on a cellar. Last time, they found steps. This time, it was a lot larger hole and they found two ovens they think were for baking. We could even see the ash! (Do I need to tell you how man pictures I took?!?) 

Wow! Wonder of wonders. 

Oh, how I got excited! 

I looked at my husband with my face that told him without my mouth moving, HOW COOL! And CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?

He looks back at me with a huge smile. YEP. THAT'S MY WIFE. NO. I CANNOT. AND, YES. IT IS PRETTY NEAT. He tells me without uttering a word himself. Then, he squeezes my hand. 

After we get the first glimpse of the fort, and the dig, we head to the cafe along the James River and have a cup of coffee. It's tradition, after all. (Would you believe that we've driven all the way there just to have a cup of coffee along the James? No joke. We did that about three months ago. And, we saw everything else, too. It was a way to make a memory. Just like we drove to St. George, Utah to go to Cracker Barrel for lunch--when we lived in Las Vegas. You have to do silly things and make a memory, after all. It's fun--and is special to share.)

We drank our coffee outside, along the James River, even though it was a little chilly. But, oh, the sun was shining! It was a gorgeous day.

Then, we hit the gift shop in the archoraeum (spelling???) (museum) and then headed back to the dig. Mind you, each way, I took all sorts of pictures with my cell camera.

Then, since the light was different, as it is every time we go there, I took more photos of the fort. Then, headed to the dig and saw how the light was definitely drastically different. So, I took more pictures and was able to eavesdrop two men talking about the latest findings in the cellar. 

That was when I heard something that rocked my world entirely.

And, this is where I need your help, advice, and anything else you can tell me comes to your mind and is placed on your heart. 


1 comment:

  1. What memories...and how special for you and hubby. As far as an answer that you're searching for, stop. Let God work.

