Friday, January 18, 2013

My Storykeeper Odyssey, Vol 1: An Introduction

As you know, I’ve dedicated 2013 to writing all of my memories and my life story. I want to get all of my memories down on the page. I want to leave my trace on this world. I want my life to be remembered—as a life dedicated to journaling—and encouraging others to do the same. It is important to me.
I have decided to start over with the writing of my memoir. Earlier this week I made this decision and I am glad to have made it because it’s already taken on a life of its own. The title of my memoir is:
It’s my story about my writing and journalkeeping.
I have lived—and God has me here, at this time, for a purpose. It is my life story and is my life’s purpose. God wants me to journal first, teach others to journal second, and write my life story third. Every day has a reason and an opportunity for me to live my God-given destiny. I can live a life fulfilled or one that is not. This is the how I will bring God maximum glory (and I will bear much fruit).
I will share some of the memoir here on this blog. But, some is far too personal, so I am going to share it in book format in its unedited, rough draft version at my store on Smashwords. So, check it out next week.

Do you like to hear other people’s stories?
Do you want to get the most from and your of your life story?
Have you ever had a dream?
Do you want to know and live your life’s purpose—your big dream?
Have you had obstacles get in the way of you living your big dream and your life’s purpose?
Do you journal?
Do you want to write a book?
If you answered “yes” to any of the previous questions, this memoir, blog post series, and book are for you.

It’s my journaling about my life as a writer and as a journalkeeper. It’s the story of my odyssey as I journal and write, and all of the obstacles that have tried to hinder me from doing either. It’s my story of how I’ve overcome. 

~ Stacy Duplease
Journalkeeper & Memoir Writer


  1. I want to read some of your stories. Reading what others go through helps. What I mean by that is knowing what others go through whether it being sad or happy I am not alone.

  2. Thank you for the suggestion! And, how ironic. What perfect timing. I thought about that yesterday of how I really need to add more examples into my blog posts. Of course the examples would be from my journaling.

    It is very important to know that we are not alone.

    Also, we need to see other people's journaling entries to be inspired--and see that we are not the only ones who struggle with journaling--and with life.

    Thank you. I needed that confirmation that this is what I need to be doing.

