Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 8, Part 3 The Denial of God’s Blessings and A Fuller Life (Eternity)

Day 8, Part 3 The Denial of God’s Blessings and A Fuller Life (Eternity) 

April 15, 2014, Tuesday, 1021 a.m.

Why do we refuse to take what God has to give?
Why do I?
Even in the middle of the storms of life (life challenges), God showers us with blessings. After all, He is God. He is always working and He is always making sure He will be glorified. He is always with us and is always working His will in our lives. God never stops being god. He never stops bringing about His will. Needless to say, even in the middle of the storms, He is working. He is showering blessings on us, if only we would realize the torrential rain is His blessing, not the negative. 
So, why do we refuse to look for His blessing? And, why do we refuse to take the blessings He has for us? 
Instead, we would rather focus either on self, the circumstances, the negatives, or on someone else.  Why?
God has abundant blessings for us each and every day, all day long, if only we would open the eyes of our minds, hearts, and the ones on our faces. We just need to look and be open. 
PRAYER: Lord, teach me to be open, on alert, and ready to count my blessings--those all around at all times.

1035 a.m.


I don't know about you, but I want a fuller life. In fact, I want the fullest life imaginable. I always have the feeling there is something more and I am missing something.
I know God has written eternity on my heart (Ecclesiastes 3:11). He put it there so I know I am missing something--and I will then seek it. 
Eternity is something I will live in the future, sure. But, it's also something I live for today. Eternity is now, not just when I die. After all, the moment I accepted Jesus, and started to believe in Him and follow him, eternity began in my life. I have everlasting life. Now. Today and tomorrow.
Now, try this on for size. 
God is timeless. 
After all, God is infinite and is beyond time.
And, so are His blessings. 
If I were to observe my life, and how God is working in me, through me, and around me, every way He does those things is a blessing given by God. His blessing is eternal and infinite. Hence, with each blessing I count, I am living a fuller and eternal life today. 

The opposite is true as well. If I am not counting my blessings, then I am living less of a life focused on eternity today. I am then being short-sighted. Missing my blessings is a case of shortsightedness and is a case of me-focus vs. blessings focused. 

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